The Multipack Presents

Geek in the Park 2008

Join us on Saturday 9th August 2008 for an all-day family event including a relaxing picnic & an evening of illuminating talks by web industry leaders Jon Hicks and Drew McLellan.

The big day is taking place in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Split in to two main events, Geek in the Park starts with The Picnic during the day, followed by The Discussion in the evening. The event starts on Saturday at noon and everything should wrap up by around 11pm.

Geek in the Park: The Picnic


The day begins around noon in the beautiful Jephson Gardens in Royal Leamington Spa. So join us, sit back and soak up the sun and chat about everything web.

The geeks, their families, and friends will enjoy lunch, games, and indulge in general fun. The event is conveniently situated near plenty of cafés, restaurants, play areas and toilets, so all you have to care about is having fun in the sun.

Be sure to bring along food, drinks, footballs, frisbees™, cricket sets, blankets, sun cream, your kids and a willingness to have a good time!

We all know how unpredictable the English weather can be! In the event of rain, The Picnic will be called off, but the evening event will go ahead. Everyone wish for sun!

52.28827, -1.527722

Geek in the Park: The Discussion


At 7pm we'll head indoors at KoKos, for some informative and entertaining talks by industry-leading British speakers. 52.292116, -1.537142

Jon Hicks will present "Pixel Pushing: An Introduction to Icon Design" and Drew McLellan will talk about "What Brian Cant Never Taught You About Metadata".

Jon Hicks

Jon Hicks

One half of the creative partnership at Hicksdesign, based in Oxfordshire, UK and most widely known for the Firefox, Thunderbird and Miro icons, Jon likes to design for both print and 'new-fangled media' as he calls it. He blogs about web standards, CSS, browsers and design, and dreams about cheese a lot.

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan

Is a strong advocate of best practises, and is currently a Group Lead for the Web Standards Project. Drew is a proponent of the lower-case semantic web, and is currently expending energies in the direction of the microformats movement. He blogs at all in the head and, with a little help from his friends, at 24ways. Drew has been hacking on the web since around 1996 and since then he's spread himself between both front- and back-end development projects, and now works as a Web Developer for in MaidenheadUK.

How to get there

By Train

Jephson Gardens is only a 10-minute walk from the Leamington Spa train station. Head left out of the station entrance and walk to the railway bridge where you then take another left. You should now be approaching the Royal Pump Rooms on your left. Jephson Gardens entrance is immediately on your right.

Royal Leamington Spa station has excellent connections from Birmingham New Street station as well as a frequent direct service from London.

By Road

Royal Leamington Spa is close to the M40 motorway, linking it to Birmingham and London. The A46 also links it to Coventry. There is parking (with disabled spaces) in Newbold Terrace, with the nearest Pay and Display at St Peter's multi-storey car park. On-street parking is also available in Dormer Place. Newbold Comyn Park has a large car park and is just 10 minutes away from the event.

See you there!